Marriage Counseling Clients Can Expect To Receive:
Direct, honest feedback
Individualized, ethical services
Professional, licensed services from a local marriage counseling expert
A truly transformational experience
An integration of faith and practice (at the client's discretion)
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If you are searching for answers to questions about your marriage, then I’m sure this is a challenging time for you and your partner. Hi, I’m Ron Welch, and I’ve been married to my wife, Jan, for 27 years. I want you to know there is hope. We have faced many challenges in our marriage over the years, and I believe that we have not only survived these challenges, but are stronger because of them. If we can do it, so can you.
I’ve been a licensed psychologist for almost 20 years now, working with couples for much of that time. I have learned that we never marry the person we marry. We grow and change constantly, and we have to learn to honor and respect the people we become. If we don’t, resentment and bitterness takes over and you can become more angry about what your partner is NOT than proud of what they ARE. Maybe that is where you are at right now and you may not even know if you want to stay married.
Let’s talk about what marriage counseling would be like if you decide to come in. We will focus on the Four Pillars of Transformational Marriage that I believe in – Hope, Selflessness, Forgiveness, and Praise.
We will talk about building HOPE in the future of your relationship by reminding you of the things that you do well in your marriage. It’s hard for lasting change to happen in a relationship when you don’t remember why you chose this person to spend your life with.
We will talk about being SELFLESS and thinking of the other person’s needs before your own. You may have chosen your spouse because he or she met your needs, but this can’t last forever. We live in a selfish society where we are taught to find a partner that meets our needs and look out for Number One. I will suggest that thinking of your partner’s needs before your own may be a much better model of marriage.
We will talk about FORGIVENESS and the importance of not letting problems build up on top of each other. I will be totally honest – there have been many times in our marriage when I have not honored, respected, and prioritized my wife the way she deserves. I have let my work and my pride and the pressures of life get in the way of loving her. Without her forgiveness and grace, it would have been hard to move past those times.
We will talk about PRAISE and how important it is to tell each other, out loud, why you value, love, and respect each other. You tell your spouse when you are angry or unhappy or frustrated, right? Research has taught us that it takes 7 positive statements to make up for 1 negative statement that we hear. You will learn how to build your partner up, rather than tearing her or him down.
I am an optimist. I believe that despite the frustration and helplessness you may feel in regards to your marriage right now, change is absolutely possible. It doesn’t have to be this way. We will start by making small changes in areas of your marriage that you have more control over, and then work our way up to the big stuff.
Look, you can always go to the divorce attorneys. Nobody can stop you from doing that. But there was a time when you stood up and said, “I Do” to a person you truly loved and respected. You’ve both grown and changed and you need to learn to love each other for the people you are now.
I’ve seen it work in my own marriage and in the lives of so many couples I have worked with. If this sounds like the kind of help you are looking for, I would be glad to speak with you about coming in for an initial session. You can reach me by phone at 720.749.2686 or send me an email at help@transformational-marriage.com.
I look forward to getting to know each other during an initial session, so you can decide if this seems like a good fit for both of you. If it seems like what you need, then we can begin the process of transforming your marriage, one step at a time.